Saturday, August 29, 2009
Autistic / Adept
Human Development in the New Consciousness
the gray, in-between area
the gradient
the autistic spectrum
the NeuroSeeded
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From the web are ~~~~~~~~~
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Anecdotes are " "
Insistence on Sameness
Children with AS are easily overwhelmed by minimal change, are highly sensitive to environmental stressors, and sometimes engage in rituals. They are anxious and tend to worry obsessively when they do not know what to expect; stress, fatigue and sensory overload easily throw them off balance.
NeuroAdepts are born into a hard determinism / block universe situation. Since they are the forerunners of what is to come they have a sense of the future. If they cannot envision an event or a happening, it means that the event is not supposed to take place, or at the very least, that they are not to be involved in it.
"Of course I find a sudden change in routine upsetting. I mean, if something works, why change it?"
"We were told that our clerical unit would be tested for emergency preparedness in case of disaster - this was during the 911 scare. We were told that on an unannounced day sometime in the near future we would report to the east valley office instead of to our regular location. I asked a lot of questions regarding transportation, lunch, what the place looked like, the hours, ect. But the surprise change proved to be too much for me. I came down with the flu and was out for the next five days. I missed the training exercise and they wanted to dock me a day's pay because of it."
Impairment in Social Interaction
Children with AS show an inability to understand complex rules of social interaction; are naive; are extremely egocentric; may not like physical contact; talk at people instead of to them; do not understand jokes, irony or metaphors; use monotone or stilted, unnatural tone of voice; use inappropriate gaze and body language; are insensitive and lack tact; misinterpret social cues; cannot judge "social distance;" exhibit poor ability to initiate and sustain conversation; have well-developed speech but poor communication; are sometimes labeled "little professor" because speaking style is so adult-like and pedantic; are easily taken advantage of (do not perceive that others sometimes lie or trick them); and usually have a desire to be part of the social world.
NeuroAdepts are psychic and do not wish to pry into a person's private thoughts. Direct eye to eye contact is considered an intrusion and so avoided.
NeuroAdepts do not play mind games, and as such, find social gestures and their hints to be useless information, trash info to be ignored or discarded since it cannot be relied upon for truth content. NeuroAdepts do not project the social message, "I am not a threat" and so do not expect it from others.
NeuroTypicals, on the other hand, project the 'non-threat message' because they are a threat. They know it exists in themselves and in other NeuroTypicals, too. They think everyone is trying to take their food away from them.
NeuroAdepts are constantly processing information regarding human interaction. This insistent activity carries a high level of stress. Solitude is necessary in order for the NeuroAdept to completely relax. Only when he or she is alone does the automatic processing cease; although there may be a replaying and an analysis of a past social interaction for the purposes of parsing and future use.
Restricted Range of Interests
Children with AS have eccentric preoccupations or odd, intense fixations (sometimes obsessively collecting unusual things). They tend to relentlessly "lecture" on areas of interest; ask repetitive questions about interests; have trouble letting go of ideas; follow own inclinations regardless of external demands; and sometimes refuse to learn about anything outside their limited field of interest.
NeuroAdepts have a mission to fulfill. It is the only reason they are here.
Poor Concentration
Children with AS are often off task, distracted by internal stimuli; are very disorganized; have difficulty sustaining focus on classroom activities (often it is not that the attention is poor but, rather, that the focus is "odd" ; the individual with AS cannot figure out what is relevant [Happe, 1991], so attention is focused on irrelevant stimuli); tend to withdraw into complex inner worlds in a manner much more intense than is typical of daydreaming and have difficulty learning in a group situation.
Irrelevant to the NeuroTypical mind that cannot see what the NeuroAdept sees. Their "inner world" of the NeuroAdept is the Fifth Dimensional perspective. The intense focus is a form of purposeful meditation. When the NeuroAdept engages in this type of behavior the Mind is looking for something with which to complete a task. The immediate environment becomes secondary.
Poor Motor Coordination
Children with AS are physically clumsy and awkward; have stiff, awkward gaits; are unsuccessful in games involving motor skills; and experience fine-motor deficits that can cause penmanship problems, slow clerical speed and affect their ability to draw.
NeuroAdepts are envelopes for the Consciousness as Mind in exploration of the human element. There is an adjustment period necessary in order for the Mind to learn how the body functions. This causes clumsiness and over or under modulation in certain activities. The Spirit does not recognize words and numbers for the things they represent. The NeuroAdept has to learn that things cannot always be taken at face value; thus their ability with words and their equal inability to distinguish between the truth of Existence and the social untruth that exists within human interaction.
Academic Difficulties
Children with AS usually have average to above-average intelligence (especially in the verbal sphere) but lack high level thinking and comprehension skills. They tend to be very literal: Their images are concrete, and abstraction is poor. Their pedantic speaking style and impressive vocabularies give the false impression that they understand what they are talking about, when in reality they are merely parroting what they have heard or read. The child with AS frequently has an excellent rote memory, but it is mechanical in nature; that is, the child may respond like a video that plays in set sequence. Problem-solving skills are poor.
"In the first grade I had a teacher who told us to solve an equation. She explained the situation and let us go at it. I got the answer wrong. I knew I was going to get the answer wrong because of how the teacher had told us to solve for the answer. I knew what she should have wanted, but that is not what she had asked for. So I solved it according to her instructions and got it wrong. Later that same evening I was going over my school work and showed my Dad the missed question. I began explaining to him why I missed it and he began explaining to me what the correct answer should have been. I already knew what the correct answer should have been and I wanted him to know why I missed it. He didn't understand what I was trying to tell him and persisted in explaining why I was wrong. I began to cry - on the inside - and never tried talking to him about things like that again."
Emotional Vulnerability
Children with Asperger Syndrome have the intelligence to compete in regular education but they often do not have the emotional resources to cope with the demands of the classroom. These children are easily stressed due to their inflexibility. Self-esteem is low, and they are often very self-critical and unable to tolerate making mistakes. Individuals with AS, especially adolescents, may be prone to depression (a high percentage of depression in adults with AS has been documented). Rage reactions/temper outbursts are common in response to stress/frustration. Children with AS rarely seem relaxed and are easily overwhelmed when things are not as their rigid views dictate they should be. Interacting with people and coping with the ordinary demands of everyday life take continual Herculean effort.
Children with Asperger's syndrome are so easily overwhelmed by environmental stressors, and have such profound impairment in the ability to form interpersonal relationships, that it is no wonder they give the impression of "fragile vulnerability and a pathetic childishness" (Wing, 1981, p. 117). Everard (1976) wrote that when these youngsters are compared with their non-disabled peers, "one is instantly aware of how different they are and the enormous effort they have to make to live in a world where no concessions are made and where they are expected to conform" (p.2).
NeuroTypicals have a tendency to leave out information that they feel will be filled in by common experience; they call such things "common sense assumptions". NeuroTypicals do this without realizing that our experience is not their experience. NeuroAdepts hold open the possibility for a thing to be another thing. They do not assume that just because something appears to be a thing, that it is the thing. NeuroAdepts do not 'read between the lines' by adding unstated and assumed 'common sensical' information. They are generally free of this Neurotypical bias that causes an interpretation of something in relation to the NeuroTypicals themselves.
"NeuroTypical social interaction largely consists of guesstimating how much truth a situation contains based on a self-determined consequence of error. This is a natural and often successful process due to a similarity in thinking among NeuroTypicals. But if a NeuroTypical was under the constant stress and the strain that typifies a NeuroAdept's day, they would go insane."
NeuroAdepts have to work hard to get what comes to others easily. Their consequence of error and the frustration it entails is huge by comparison.
"These children require a NeuroAdept learning environment in which they can see themselves as competent and productive. Forcing them into the NeuroTypical mainstream, where they cannot grasp the concepts, serves only to lower their self-esteem, increase their withdrawal, and sets the stage for a depressive disorder."
"I think with NeuroTypicals, the rules merely define the starting point from which to deviate."
Much of NeuroTypical communication is physical - body posture and such. What is being said cannot be verbally articulated because it is based on a physical beingness rather than a mental beingness.
asperger's syndrome,
autistic spectrum,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A New Way of Thinking
From the web ...
Asperger’s Syndrome is a “high functioning” form of Autism Spectrum Disorder. A diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome can be synonymous with a diagnosis of High Functioning Autism (HFA) and individuals diagnosed with AS, HFA, and other closely-related neurological disorders benefit equally from the support and service provided by Portland Aspergers Network.
Studies conclude that the incidence of Asperger’s Syndrome has increased by epidemic proportions in recent years. In the past two decades the ratio of an Autistic Spectrum Disorder diagnosis has escalated from one child in ten thousand to one child in two hundred fifty.
There is no cure for AS. The cause remains unknown. There is a prevailing belief that the combination of genetic factors and environmental triggers contributes to the probability of diagnosis. Regardless of its origin—its existence is a painfully real and rapidly growing problem in every country in the world. Attention to this issue is imperative as this growing sect of the world’s population emerges into adulthood.
OK. Whatever.
I'm thinking that this thing they are calling 'Asperger's Syndrome' is simply a new way of thinking about Reality and Existence. It is not a disorder at all. It is an advancement in the mind's evolution. Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are two separate occurrences of the same thing; one of which took, and the other of which didn't.
I will not focus on the autism side of the argument since I have no experience with it. I shall instead present a picture of Existence from the point of view of a gnostic Asperger with a special interest in ontology and the paranormal.
As always, we will work from within the An'Kareen environment and ask the assistance of the Uv-taar modabid for this blog instead of my usual channel Anne Karin - sorry Anne.
Stick around, though. This should be interesting.
asperger's syndrome,
autistic spectrum,
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